Thursday, October 7, 2010

Books, books, and more books!

Since reading a litte bit from "Julie and Julia" from Julie Powell, I've have notice that things she does is always can be base on real life things she does. Which is true. Seem like I've always misspell true with 'ture', in which that is my most commean mistake that i've always done. Sure everybody make mistake, but when you read a book after you sit down for once.  You will notice that everything that you do, will seem to slow for once in your life without noticing it no matter what.

SURE, we all make mistake no matter what, but if you got the chance to sit down and read something different for once with somebody that you love so much, you'll notice the real difference in your life that everything that will sorta chance in different ways without realizing it in a whole new light. But things doesn't chance, then something might be wrong with you. Then again, just be careful on what you really are doing or you might step on somebody's toes around you.

I notice that life can change around you, even if you don't want something to change....but that's life for you. Even thought that life will have a deep impact on what you are really doing, just look around you for once. Sure a girl like myself have ADD, not "add", I sometime hate change. I like slow change, but if it's a fast one.....just hope that we may have body's like "Ghost in the Shell" when that come true for once, which it won't happen just yet till the near future. Yet that will be kinda cool to have bodies like that. Ok, so I have the "Ghost in the Shell" books that I haven't gotten around on reading for once. The good news, I've gotten back into reading again after having more free time now. Yes! Thank goodness for that.

BAD NEWS: I need a new job that have a bit more income for once.

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