Sunday, December 26, 2010

Tron: Legcay!

Oh how I love Tron Legcay! It's a whole lot better then the original movie of all time, even though that there's not a whole lot I'm gonna say about the movie....all I could say is that everybody should watch it.

so that's about it! :)


Lets just say that I'm already loving Avatar: The Last Airbender series. I don't know when the last time that I have seen a good animation TV series for a long time.Oh, boy....the only thing that is a pain in the ass is just the movie itself and that's the only thing. If anyone who seen the series from the very beginning, you'll know what is really is going on within the series from beginning, middle and end. The movie needs is a good middle story and a real good ending. It did lag a bit within the middle of the movie of the last airbender even at the end, which is the real reason why I'm gonna say this that M. Night Shyamalan show ask a whole lot of people to tell him. In other words from kids or adults who seen the show to tell him what should be put in the movie at some point. But then again, they need to put it in two part movies as a three book movie to tell the first half in the summer and tell the other half in December.

But this is my whole idea, yet I wish I could direct the other two books of Avatar the Last Airbender series two and have it in two part movie to have it done in 3 and a half months to film it.